diumenge, 29 d’octubre del 2017

Half Life of Facts (47)

Arbesman, Samuel. Half Life of Facts. New York. Penguin Group (USA). 2013 (p. 217)

1 The Half-Life of Facts

Facts change all the time (p 2)

Law of large numbers: facts, in the agregate, have half-lives (p 3) ... cognitive dissonance

Un àtom és impredictible, però un conjunt d'àtoms exhibeixen patrons ben definits (per exemple, la vida mitjana)

Mesofacts: facts that change at the meso-, or in the kiddle, timescale (p 6)

Facts change in regular and mathematically understandable ways (p 7)

2 The Pace of discovery

Derek John de Solla Price (1922-1983). Cienciometria.  Quantitative Measures od the Development of Science (1951)

We often think terms of linear growth ( 10)

Harvey Lehman (1889-1965). The Exponential Increase Of Man's Cultural Output (Revista Social Forces, 1947). The grpwth of knowledge was subject to patterns and was far from random (p 14)

...the high-impact results are more likely to come from collaborative teams rather than from single scientist (p 16)

Automate science

Citizen science

Human computation: we are still ahead of computers in labeling photographs or even ready fuzzy or blurred text (p 20)  Els ordinadors en superen en la gestió de les xifres, però no en la identificació de patrons visuals.

3 The Aymptote Truth

4 Moore's Law of Everything

5 The Spread of Facts

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